Whatever gets you through the night


When my right eye starts twitching, I know I have had enough....

Stress can manifest itself in many ways, because we are all different.

I as a rule respond to stress with a right eye twitch that will drive me wild, and a flare up of my irritable bowel syndrome. (TMI, I know)

I will say I never knew this was my stress response until my Husband and I were in the middle of a move and my Mother was immediately diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer.

The right eye would twitch.

I was working at the time, and a psychologist was doing rounds that day, and I asked her about this twitching. She agreed it was probably a stress response. I think we we were right, because it seems to flare up occasionally.

Military spouses are under an enormous amount of pressure, we speak about it here often. I have been reminded a few times, by a few blogs that it is imperative to TAKE CARE of ourselves. I forget to do this often, and always end up paying the price at some point and time. I currently have a head cold, that is taking forever to get rid of because I simply was not caring for myself properly to begin with.

I found this great article on what stress can do to your body.

It is pretty lengthy, but worth reading.

And a great article on cope with stress, with some great ideas.

The formula for me is easy, I can live on 4-5 hours sleep, and I am also an insomniac. I NEED more sleep, and when I follow that formula, things fall into place. I also do much better when I take brisk walk, or play soccer with the kids, and while I prefer yoga I will take the 30 minutes where I can get it.

I am curious to hear what your stress response is, what seems to trigger it, and what calms you?

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