War Heroes of the Canine Kind


Our military community celebrates heroes whose stories are heartbreaking, yet ultimately heartwarming.  Over the years, I’ve read countless stories of heroic feats of our service men and women serving overseas.  I’ve sobbed through stories of wounded warriors and flag-draped coffins.  I’ve shed tears of pride as airline pilots thank the servicemembers onboard and passengers applaud.  And I’ve admired military families who pick up the pieces that war left behind.

Heroes come from all walks of life.  They come in various shapes and sizes.  And yes, they even come in different species.

Don’t believe me?  Just take a look at this war hero of the canine kind…


How can we not fall in love with the tributes and stories and photographs of these furry forgotten heroes and all their military moxie?  I'm a hopeless dog lover, so I may be biased, but I do believe my next book purchase is going to be Soldier Dogs, if for no other reason than the book cover is cute beyond words.  And I also believe these amazing creatures are true war heroes whose stories are heartwarming and should be celebrated.

Can you resist war hero dogs?

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