A "shot" in the back


Today was a little backwards for me. I went to the doctor to have an epidural injection in my back for the first time. I have suffered from back pain since 1996 - got medically discharged from the Army because of my back in 1999.

It was backwards for me because my husband is always the one in a hospital bed while I patiently wait and then take care of him when we get home.

So I get the injection and go to the recovery room for a short period of time. Then I have to stand up and walk so the nurse can see I'm mobile and won't fall over. Good to go home.

On our way to the car, DH was walking a fair distance ahead of me. He kept looking back and saying, "Step it up!" Now I know he was just kidding, but after the 3rd time I wanted to throw something at him. I was in pain and not real thrilled at his joking. Call me bitchy, but I was uncomfortable.

When I got home I went straight to my bed. I told DH he was on kid duty (only one of our kids would be home, the other was at a scouting event) and there was a pot roast in the crock pot for dinner (see, I am a good wife who spoils her husband waaaaay too much!).

About 2 hours later DH comes in the bedroom and announces that dinner was ready. I responded. About 10 minutes later he tells me AGAIN that dinner is on the table. I KNOW.... I'm GETTING THERE!!! (I said that in my head).

I've been sitting on my couch since dinner, for the most part. Tomorrow afternoon DH leaves for Vegas (AGAIN) for the Blog Expo and he won't be hone until Sunday night. So here's my question: When will I ever get the chance to have someone take care of ME after a medical procedure?!?!?!? I know it's only a shot - but it's in my back, which is hypersensitive - and I have no idea if I will feel better or worse tomorrow (and over the next 5 days while he is gone). I know I'll survive, I always do. But it would be nice to be taken care of once in a while...

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